The call of Lent is the call to change, to repent, to let go – a change of heart or “metanoia”. It is a time to prepare for our celebration of the saving events that we call the Paschal Mystery – the Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Saviour. At the heart, then of Lent must be a serious reflection on where we are on our Christian journey.
The priest’s prayer of absolution in Reconciliation begins “God the Father of mercies, through the death and resurrection of his Son, has reconciled the world to himself, and has sent the Holy Spirit for the forgiveness of sins.” The second half continues: “Through the ministry of the Church, may God give you pardon and peace, and I absolve you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”.
All of us should try to celebrate this great Sacrament of forgiveness during Lent. This week our 3 Churches Reconciliation or Penitential Service on Wednesday 2 April takes place during the weekly “Light Is On” time, 7-8pm at Christ the King.
Note there just for this one week in Lent, will be no Confessions at St Brigid’s Wednesday evening and Wednesday Mass at Christ the King will be at 9.30am.
Here is a prayer for use at Mass and elsewhere on this the Fourth Sunday of Lent:
Lord Jesus,
you came to open the eyes of the blind.
Open our eyes to all that you seek to show us,
and open our hearts and minds to understand God’s will.
Heal us of our own greyness and melancholy
and everything that gets in the way of the joy of the Gospel.
Kindle anew the light of your love within us
so that we may joyfully live out your message in our everyday lives –
humbly and generously loving our neighbour;
and seeking justice for all God’s people.