The Gospel today takes me back to one of my most special places. My pilgrimages to the Holy Land must come pretty high in my list of best things I’ve done. Within the pilgrimages it is hard to say what have been my “best bits”. But high on that list must come Tabgha, the site on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee where today’s Gospel is traditionally said to have taken place – the famous “Breakfast on the Beach”. A little chapel sits right on the edge of the shore. Next to it an open air altar under a tree backs on to the beautiful water, with a moving statue of Jesus and a kneeling Peter visible through the tree. Each of the times I have celebrated Mass there has been truly inspiring.
The present little church was built in 1933 and incorporates parts of an earlier 4th century one. At the base of its walls, opposite the main altar, foundations of the 4th century church are visible. In the 9th century, the church was referred to as the “Place of the Coals”. This name refers to Jesus’ preparation of a meal for the apostles, building a charcoal fire on which to cook the fish. Also first mentioned in the year 808 are the “Twelve Thrones”, a series of heart shaped stones, which were placed along the shore to commemorate the Twelve Apostles. The church survived longer than any other in the area, finally being destroyed in 1263. The present Franciscan chapel was included in the itineraries of Popes Paul VI and St John Paul II during their visits to Israel in 1964 and March 2000 respectively.
The church contains a projection of limestone rock in front of the present altar which is venerated as a “Mensa Christi”, Latin for “table of Christ”. According to tradition this is the spot where Jesus is said to have laid out a breakfast of bread and fish for the Apostles, and told Peter to “Feed my sheep” after the miraculous catch, the third time he appeared to them after his Resurrection.
This would have to be one of my “special places”. Take a moment perhaps today to remember some of your special places, and treasure whatever blessing God gave you there.
Fr Matthew