We are commanded by Jesus to go out into the whole world with our Good News, – and that includes our own back yards! While we all can identify with missionaries going off to the furthest corners of the world with the Gospel, we are all I’m sure even more aware that we ourselves are living in a culture that can sometimes seem post-Christian or totally apathetic uncaring towards the Christian message. Others would simply not know that we are here..
Starting this week, we begin an initiative planned by our 3 Churches Evangelization Group and flagged up here a few weeks ago. Each week we are simply going to pop a prayer card through the letterboxes in a street or two in the 3 Churches area, reminding our neighbours that we are praying for them, and giving them basic information about their local Catholic church. The project begins in the areas immediately around Christ the King and St Brigid’s. There will be no return visit etc – unless of course, requested by the resident.
Each week, we will put in the newsletter the names of the streets who are receiving the cards that week. This is so that you can mention them in your prayers, as individuals and in our various prayer and sharing groups. There will be info on the churches’ notice-boards too, so that you can see what the cards look like
If you would like to join the 15 volunteers we currently have (9 for the area around Christ the King and 6 for St Brigid’s) please contact Elizabeth Taylor or Anne Burns, whose details you will find on the inside pages. The more volunteers we have the less frequently your turn will come around.
Spread the word!
Fr Matthew