PRIEST – Let us all join together in prayer to our Heavenly Father bringing before Him the our needs and the needs of the world confident that He will listen to us in mercy.
READER – The response to our prayers is – “ Hear our prayer “
We pray for the Church that our Holy Father, Francis, and all church leaders will join with leaders of other faiths in speaking out for peace and reconciliation in our troubled world………… pause
Heavenly Father in your great mercy……….Hear our prayer
We pray for all who suffering bereavement and for eternal rest for the souls of those who have died, in particular Paul– brother of Mark Johnson – and Keith Warner who have died in the last few days…………….pause
Heavenly Father in your great mercy…………… Hear our prayer
We pray for all who are ill, infirm or disabled that they may receive God’s healing and comfort and patience to cope with the affects of their condition…………..pause
Heavenly Father in your great mercy………… Hear our prayer
We pray for the people of Scotland that following the result of the referendum all will forget rivalries and work together for the good of all in their country…………pause
Heavenly Father in your great mercy………… Hear our prayer
Bearing in mind the message of todays gospel, we pray that all employers may treat their workers fairly and that all employees will be consciencious in their work………..pause
Heavenly Father in your great mercy……Hear our prayer
In a few moments of silence let us bring our unspoken petitions to our Heavenly Father…………
Let us ask Mary our mother to intercede with her beloved son for us as we say….Hail Mary
PRIEST – Heavenly Father, we make all out prayers in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ Our Lord………Amen