CELEBRANT: Father with confidence we place our prayers and needs before you on this special feast day of Christ The King.
READER That we build a Kingdom where justice is upheld. (PAUSE)
READER Lord hear us
RESPONSE Lord graciously hear us
READER That we create a Kingdom where peace is sought. (PAUSE)
READER Lord hear us
RESPONSE Lord graciously hear us
READER That we weave a Kingdom where love is experienced. (PAUSE)
READER Lord hear us
RESPONSE Lord graciously hear us
READER That we dream of a kingdom where hope is present. (PAUSE)
READER Lord hear us
RESPONSE Lord graciously hear us
READER We remember today two ladies who were Kingdom builders
in our parishes, Phyllis Webber and Eileen Britton who have
recently died to be enveloped in the glory of God. (PAUSE)
READER Lord hear us
RESPONSE Lord graciously hear us
READER In quietness, we stand also as workers for the Kingdom,
offering to the Father our own prayers and needs. (LONGER PAUSE)
READER Lord hear us
RESPONSE Lord graciously hear us
READER We ask Mary the mother of Jesus to pray with us as we say
Hail Mary….
CELEBRANT: Father, you call us to be part of your Kingdom of which
Christ is the King. We make our prayers in faith and with trust through
Jesus Christ our Lord Amen