Category Archives: lent

Christ the King bidding prayers, 3rd Sunday of Lent

CELEBRANT: As a parish community we stand in the sight of God, who knows our every need. Let us ask Him then for those needs.

READER: The response is: Lord graciously hear us.

READER: Let us, with Pope Francis, ask for the grace that the Lord would give to each of us the wisdom to have confidence only in him — not in things, not in human powers; only in him.

…….. (PAUSE)……….. Lord hear us ..…. Lord graciously hear us.

READER: For those world leaders considering what to do about the situation in  Ukraine. May they be guided with wisdom to help achieve justice and peace in the region.

…… (PAUSE)…… Lord hear us ..…. Lord graciously hear us.

READER:  We pray for the church in Colombia where in the last five years 19 priests, a sister and two lay people have been murdered as they spread the message of God’s love. May they take heart in that love that died for us sinners.

 …. (PAUSE)…… Lord hear us..…. Lord graciously hear us.

READER:   For the children of the parish as they receive the sacrament of reconciliation for the first time.  May they experience the love of God in their hearts as they enter in a state of grace.

(PAUSE)…… Lord hear us..…. Lord graciously hear us

READER: We pray for Margaret Ames who died recently. May she rest in peace. Let us also remember her family and friends during this difficult time.

PAUSE)…… Lord  hear us.…. Lord graciously hear us.

READER:  Let us pray for our own needs and those of our family and friends.…. (Long Pause)…. Let us ask the intercession of the Our Lady: Hail Mary, full of grace, etc.

After a short pause the Celebrant will conclude the prayer.

CELEBRANT: Father, You gave water to the Israelites though they doubted You. Hear and grant our prayers therefore through Your Son, Jesus Christ in union with the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever Amen.

The journey of Lent


Why not attend one more Mass each week? If you are not accustomed to, weekday Masses can have a different “feel”. Note Wednesday evening Masses at Christ the King during Lent will be at 8.00pm.


The doors of St Brigid’s and Christ the King, and most other Catholic churches in the city, will be open, Wednesdays March 12 – April 16 from 7pm to 8pm because “The Light is On for You”. A warm welcome awaits you, your family or friends. Find Confession times in other parishes and additional resources at

Reconciliation Service

On 2 April the Wednesday “Light Is On” time 7-8pm at Christ the King will be a Reconciliation Service.

Stations of the Cross

The Way of the Cross will be followed each Friday at St Paul’s and Saturday at St Brigid’s, both at 9.00am before Mass.  Come, and follow Jesus with us?

The Great Three Days

In the second half of Lent Fr Matthew will lead three gatherings reflecting on the Triduum, the centre of the Church’s Year. The start has been postponed.


Each weekend in Lent we will print a prayer for use at Mass and elsewhere. Here is the one for this Third Sunday of Lent

Lord Jesus,
your heart brims over with joy and love for all of us –
a wellspring that never runs dry.
Lead us to the spring that bubbles up to eternal life. Encourage us to drink our fill from your abundant love. And then, with our own hearts brimming with your love and joy, show us, as you showed the woman at the well,

those with whom you would like us to share it.


Christ the King bidding prayers, 2nd Sunday of Lent

Priest – Heavenly Father, aware of your unconditional love for all of your creation, we place before you the needs of the world and of your people.

Reader – The response to our prayers is – “ Hear your children’s cries “

We  pray for all the members of your church that they may be inspired to share with others who do not know of the Good News of the love of God in the death and resurrection of His son Jesus………..pause        Heavenly Father….

We pray that our leaders, in their decision-making, both national and local, may be aware of the needs of all those they govern, particularly those in most need…………pause        Heavenly Father…… 

We pray that we in this church community, as part of our Parish Mission, may reach out in prayer and in physical help to the ill, infirm or housebound in our area……….pause         Heavenly Father……

We pray for the repose of the souls of those who have died, thinking particularly of Alice Nicholls, a long-standing member of this parish whose funeral took place last week………..pause    Heavenly Father……...

We pray for a peaceful resolution of conflict in so many areas of the world, particularly in the Ukraine and in Syria …………pause          Heavenly Father………..

We pray for all our young people who are preparing for the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation that they may grow and remain strong in knowledge of and faith in the love of God and of His son Jesus Christ……….pause            Heavenly Father…….

On Monday we celebrate the feast of St Patrick and on Wednesday the feast of St Joseph we pray that with their intercession that we will be guided on our life journey……… pause    Heavenly Father……….

We bring before our Heavenly Father our own needs in a few moments of silence……….longer pause

We ask our blessed Mother Mary to recommend our prayers to her Son as we say….. Hail Mary

Priest – Just as Abraham trusted the word of God, we too trust that He will listen to our cries which we make in the name of Jesus His son…..Amen

The journey of Lent


On Wednesdays March 12 – April 16 from 7pm to 8pm, the doors of St Brigid’s and Christ the King, and most other Catholic churches in the city, will be open, because “The Light is On for You”. Bring a Catholic family member or friend, come in, and rediscover our Father’s heart of mercy in the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession). A warm welcome awaits you. To find Confession times in other parishes and for additional resources visit    Also see: confession

Reconciliation Service

On 2 April the Wednesday “Light Is On” time 7-8pm at Christ the King will be a Reconciliation Service.


We celebrate eleven weekday Masses most weeks in our 3 Churches. Why not attend one more? Note Wednesday evening Masses at Christ the King during Lent will be at 8.00pm.

Stations of the Cross

The Way of the Cross will be followed each Friday at St Paul’s and Saturday at St Brigid’s, both at 9.00am before Mass. Why not come along?

The Great Three Days

In the second half of Lent, Fr Matthew will lead three gatherings reflecting on the Triduum, the centre of the Church’s Year. Starts 24th March.


Each weekend in Lent we will print a prayer for use at Mass and elsewhere. Here is the one for this Second Sunday of Lent

Eternal God,
You encountered Moses on a mountain and gave him the Law
and encountered Elijah in the power of sheer silence.
In Jesus, your Son, we see the fullness of the transformation you offer to us. Make us open to your transforming grace –
opening our hearts and minds to your Word;
so that the divine spark you placed within us in baptism
will be kindled to a flame –
filling and inspiring our lives with faith, with hope and with love.
And may its light reach out and touch the lives of those around us.


Fr Matthew