Why not attend one more Mass each week? If you are not accustomed to, weekday Masses can have a different “feel”. Note Wednesday evening Masses at Christ the King during Lent will be at 8.00pm.
The doors of St Brigid’s and Christ the King, and most other Catholic churches in the city, will be open, Wednesdays March 12 – April 16 from 7pm to 8pm because “The Light is On for You”. A warm welcome awaits you, your family or friends. Find Confession times in other parishes and additional resources at
Reconciliation Service
On 2 April the Wednesday “Light Is On” time 7-8pm at Christ the King will be a Reconciliation Service.
Stations of the Cross
The Way of the Cross will be followed each Friday at St Paul’s and Saturday at St Brigid’s, both at 9.00am before Mass. Come, and follow Jesus with us?
The Great Three Days
In the second half of Lent Fr Matthew will lead three gatherings reflecting on the Triduum, the centre of the Church’s Year. The start has been postponed.
Each weekend in Lent we will print a prayer for use at Mass and elsewhere. Here is the one for this Third Sunday of Lent
Lord Jesus,
your heart brims over with joy and love for all of us –
a wellspring that never runs dry.
Lead us to the spring that bubbles up to eternal life. Encourage us to drink our fill from your abundant love. And then, with our own hearts brimming with your love and joy, show us, as you showed the woman at the well,
those with whom you would like us to share it.