Priest – As God’s faithful children we place before our Heavenly Father the needs of the Church, the world and ourselves confident that He will look favourably upon our petitions
Reader – The response to our petitions is–Hear our prayer.
As we remember those who died in the war which ended 100 years ago this weekend, we pray that such slaughter will never occur again and that the leaders of the world will work for the end of all conflict.
…..pause. Heavenly Father…….Hear our prayer
We pray for the repose of the souls of those recently deceased, in particular Bernie Theeswaran and Dorothy Wooding whose funerals took place this last week and Theresa Thomas who died last weekend and whose funeral is on Wednesday – may they rest in peace…………..
Pause. Heavenly Father ……………Hear our prayer.
We pray for all members of the 3 churches that we may all grow in faith and love for our loving God and to show that love to those we meet
……….pause. Heavenly Father……… Hear our prayer
We pray for our neighbours in the streets where prayer cards have been distributed in the last few days – that they may be influenced to turn to our Heavenly Father in prayer
……pause. Heavenly Father…………. Hear our prayer
We pray for all who are ill, infirm or disabled in any way that they may feel the healing comfortof God and receive compassionate care
…….pause…….Heavenly Father……Hear our prayer
In a few moments of quiet let us pray to our Heavenly Father for our own needs
…………..longer pause…….
Mary is the mother of Jesus and our mother and we ask for her support in our prayers as we say……..Hail Mary
Priest – We make all our prayers to you our Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus your son and our brother…..Amen