Note to Reader: Please PAUSE as directed between the Intention and the Response. Please read the response all the way through with the congregation especially where it is longer than usual
Priesr: Safe in our knowledge of the Father’s love for us we offer our petitions in confidence
Our response is : “Lord , Fill us with your love !”
Let us pray for the Church through the world remembering especially the work of the Synod on Marriage and Family Life currently underway in Rome. May we all be given the gift of listening to its findings and looking at our own lives in this area
We pray
Lord, Fill us with your love
We are horrified as we see more pictures of the plight of the refugees across Europe and we beseech the Lord to inspire us to greater efforts to assist these suffering people and to help those who look for peace in the Middle East
We pray
Lord, Fill us with your love
We remember the sick, the lonely , the worried, the bereaved of our community and ask the Lord to bring them the comfort they ask for . Let us seek the Lord’s blessing on the work of the Healing Café which opens in St Brigid’s this week
We pray
Lord, Fill us with your love
Let us remember our young people who have now departed for university and college ( many for the first time) and we ask that they may enjoy and benefit in every way from the experience . We pray that their studies will be successful and fruitful
We pray
Lord fill us with your love
Let us give thanks for the community of St Paul’s which has celebrated its 40th anniversary this week. We rejoice with them and pray that the community may prosper and continue to be a beacon of God’s love for us all
We pray
Lord, Fill us with your love
For a few quiet moments let us listen in our hearts to the voice of Our Father
Mary our mother is always concerned for us. Let us then join our prayers with hers saying HAIL MARY etc
Priest: Lord God hear and grant our petitions through Jesus your beloved Son who lives with you in the glory of the Spirit forever AMEN