Priest – Brothers and Sisters let us join together in prayer to our Heavenly Father asking Him to look favourably on our needs and the needs of the Church and the world.
Reader – The response to our prayers is – Hear our prayer
Let us thank our God that our Holy Father has returned safely to Rome and pray that he will continue to call for greater efforts to work for world peace and an end to poverty……pause…….Loving Father…..
We pray for Joseph Samuel Oyston who is to be baptised this weekend and for his family that they may grow in faith through the grace of this holy sacrament ……pause…. Loving Father…
The readings this week lead us to pray for all married couples that they may always be faithful to their marriage vows………pause……Loving Father….
Let us pray for all who are ill, infirm, disabled in any way or house-bound that they may know God’s healing comfort and receive compassionate care………pause…. Loving Father….
Let us pray for the repose of the souls of all who have died recently and for the comfort of their relatives and friends. We remember especially Patricia Cording and Bernie Mills who have died this week……..pause……Loving Father….
As all the political parties meet at this time, we pray that whoever is in power now and in future will rule our country with integrity and justice………Loving Father….
In a few moments of silence let us place our own needs before our Loving Father…………
Let us ask Mary, mother of us all, to intercede for us as we say…..Hail Mary
Priest – We make all our prayers to our Loving Father through Jesus Christ His Son and our Saviour…………