Priest. Today our readings fill us with joy and excitement at the nearness of the arrival of Our Lord. Let us then turn to our loving Father and humbly submit our petitions
Reader: Our response is “ Give thanks to the Lord”
R. Let us pray for the Church throughout the world remembering especially the Middle East that peace my be found and the peoples of those lands may know peace in their time
R, We pray…….”give thanks to the Lord”
R, We pray now for a successful outcome to he Brexit negotations now ongoing that the rights of all the peoples of Europe may be respected and we can move forward to a civilised and respectful relationship with all nations
R. We pray……” give thanks to he Lord”
R. Let us remember all those from our Three Churches who have died recently bearing in mind Nich Pearson from our own community and Fr John Owen whom we remember was regular Mass celebrant with us . We call to mind all those who mourn and pray that the Lord may comfort them in their time of loss
R. We pray……..”Give thanks to the Lord”
R.Let us think about those who are homeless at this time. We pray for them and all who work to relieve their plight
R. We pray …….Give thanks to the Lord
R.In our hearts let us make space so that the Lord may speak to us
R.As we remember the coming joy of Christmas we ask Mary to join us in prayer………HAILMARY
P, Heavenly Father,hear and grant our petitions through Jesus Your Son who lives in glory with you and the Hioly Spirit forever AMEN