Prayer of the Faithful – 5th Sunday of Easter May 17/18
Priest We lay our prayers before the Lord as we ask for hope and strength to follow in His Way.
The response is ……..fill the earth with your love
We pray for wisdom for those in the Church in positions of authority. May they exercise their powers with justice and right. (Pause)
Lord…………fill the earth with your love.
St Peter told us that we are a chosen people. So we pray that men and women will be found to spread the word and to build up the church.
Lord ………..fill the earth with your love
We pray for the children making their first communion this weekend and for their parents who are their first teachers (Pause)
Lord…………fill the earth with your love
Like Thomas we do not always know the way. We ask to be guided along the path of truth and life. (Pause)
Lord ……….fill the earth with your love.
In a quiet moment we ask the Lord to hear our unspoken needs
( Longer pause)
Let us remember in this month of May that all generations call Mary blessed as we say
Hail Mary ………….
Priest Father God we make our prayers to you trusting in your Son and with the Holy Spirit for ever Amen