Priest As our journey towards Christmas grows shorter let us bring our needs to the Lord
The response is …….let us grow in faith and love
We pray for the Church that it will become a beacon of light to guide us as we travel on our journey through life. (PAUSE)
Lord………let us grow in faith and love
We pray for all those involved in the debates about climate change. Pope Francis has asked us to protect the world by being prepared to make changes in the way we live (PAUSE)
Lord………let us grow in faith and love
We pray for all expectant mothers, for those who have miscarried their babies and for those who find it difficult to conceive. We pray that our mother Mary and her cousin Elizabeth will show us how to always have faith in God’s promises. (PAUSE)
Lord ………let us grow in faith and love
We pray for our three churches in a time of change. May we all listen and pay heed to one another as we move forward into a new time of working together. (PAUSE)
Lord………let us grow in faith and love
We pray for Vera Strand a long time parishioner who has died, for her son John and the family. May they be comforted in their loss. (PAUSE)
Lord ………let us grow in faith and love
We pray quietly for our own needs (LONGER PAUSE)
We ask Mary to be with us in our daily life as we say Hail Mary……..
Priest Heavenly Father hear our prayers. We ask them through your son Jesus and the Holy Spirit for ever Amen