Christ the King bidding prayers, 21st Sunday of the Year A (24 August)

Priest: Recognising that the richness of the depths of God’s love includes boundless compassion, we turn to Him in our need.

Reader: The response to our prayers is: Discard not the work of your hands

May all those in leadership in the Church remember that they are commissioned by Christ himself, and should serve according to His example.


In your great love, O Lord: Discard not the work of your hands

Let us pray for all bereaved people that they may be comforted. We remember especially the family of James Foley, their grief compounded by the horrific manner of his death; Pope Francis and his family, who lost young relatives in a car crash, and those whose loved ones died when the Malayan plane was shot down, some of whose funerals have been held this week, and some of whom have not yet been found.


In your great love, O Lord: Discard not the work of your hands

May Christians, Muslims and those of no faith, reflect seriously on what is alienating and radicalising young Muslims in British, and Cardiff, society, and find ways of engaging with these young people.


            In your great love, O Lord: Discard not the work of your hands

During the past fortnight many of our young people have received important examination results. We celebrate with those whose expectations were fulfilled, and we pray with those who were disappointed, that they have the courage to see this as another opportunity to re-assess their goals and move forward.


In your great love, O Lord: Discard not the work of your hands

Now is the time when families are returning from holiday, and preparing their children for the new school year. May we, in our parish and school communities, always create a welcoming and nurturing environment for our young people.


In your great love, O Lord: Discard not the work of your hands

In the silence of our hearts we pray for all our other needs.


We ask Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth, to gather us into her care, and to present our petitions to the Father, as we say: Hail Mary…….

Priest: Heavenly Father, look with compassion on our broken and troubled world, and show us ways to build it anew in your name. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
