The Celebrant will introduce and also conclude the prayer. The reader should pause for several moments between the intercession and its response. Leave about 20 seconds for quiet prayer.
There is no response after this – move straight to the Hail Mary.
CELEBRANT: Brothers and sisters, we have gathered here today in great excitement to celebrate our Saviour’s birth. We are confident that Jesus, once a baby, will listen to our needs.
READER: The response is: Hear our prayer.
READER: We pray for the Church. May we retain the simple joy and awe of the shepherds that the maker of the stars and sea became a child on earth for us.
…….. (PAUSE)……….. In your mercy Lord..…. Hear our prayer.
READER: For the leaders of the all countries of earth. May they talk and work with each other for the good of all mankind and for their citizens.
…… (PAUSE)…… In your mercy Lord..…. Hear our prayer.
READER: We pray those celebrating Christmas in the Philippines, still in crude shelters, mourning those who were lost. May they find comfort and hope, with many to help them.
…. (PAUSE)…… In your mercy Lord..…. Hear our prayer.
READER: Let us pray for the lonely at this time of family gatherings. Let us remember them and reach out to them so that they will know we are one family.
(PAUSE)…… In your mercy Lord..…. Hear our prayer.
READER: Let us think of our own needs and worries and present them to the Lord.…. (Long Pause)…. Let us ask the intercession of Mary, Mother of the Christ child: Hail Mary, full of grace, etc.
After a short pause the Celebrant will conclude the prayer.
CELEBRANT: Father, through Your Son, Jesus, we know we can ask You to help us. Listen then to our petitions and grant them through Your Son, in unity with the Holy Spirit, Lord for ever and ever, Amen