Priest: On this Divine Mercy Sunday, we remember gratefully our Father’s endless patience and concern for us and therefore offer our petitions to Him with confidence
Our response today is “In your mercy Lord, hear our prayer!“
We pray today for all ordained ministers of the Church and give thanks for their selfless service to the communities they serve, remembering especially Fr Owen Hardwicke who has just celebrated 60 years of priesthood
We pray
In your mercy Lord, hear our prayer
Today in our parish we welcome Estelle Jolly and Seren Nia Hammond as they join our Christian family in the sacrament of Baptism . We pray for them as they grow in the knowledge of the Lord and also for their parents, godparents and wider family who will be their guides and supporters on their pilgrim journeys
We pray
In your mercy Lord, hear our prayer
We pray now for peace in the many trouble spots of the world thinking especially of the Ukraine, Syria and the Middle East. We remember especially the families which have been divided or bereaved and ask that that they may know the Lord’s concern for them. We pray also for those who are attempting to find a peaceful way forward
We pray
In your mercy Lord, hear our prayer
Remembering the sick, lonely bereaved and deprived of our community we ask the Lord to comfort them in their time of need.
We pray
In your mercy Lord, hear our prayer
For a few moments let us remember our Father’s mercy shownto us so often and listen to His voice in our hearts
We ask Mary our Mother to join her prayers to ours saying
Priest: Loving Father hear our petitions and in your loving mercy grant them through Jesus who lives in glory with you and the Holy Spirit for ever AMEN.