Prayer of the Faithful
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A (9 February 2014)
Priest: Brothers and Sisters let us pray for our needs those which are seen and those unseen.
Reader: The response to our prayer is ………..keep us safe in your care
Pope Francis asks us to be aware of the poor, the hungry and the homeless and especially those who are held as slaves.
Lord God ……..keep us safe in your care
We pray that we may strive to work for the common good as we make our decisions in life
Lord God…… .keep us safe in your care
February 8th was a day of prayer for the victims of modern slavery, we pray that the legislation that will be going through Parliament fairly soon will be adopted, so that victims can be supported and those who are responsible for these crimes prosecuted.
Lord God ……..keep us safe in your care
We pray for Gordon Robinson husband of Pauline who has recently died. May he rest in peace
Lord God ……..keep us safe in your care
We pray that as a parish we may be open to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and that His light will guide us
Lord God ……..keep us safe in your care
In the quiet of our hearts we place all our unspoken needs before the Lord
Mary understood that life had its ups and downs and so we pray ……Hail Mary
Priest: Heavenly Father we make these prayers to you trusting in your Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit for ever Amen