PRAYER of the FAITHFUL – 14th Sunday of the Year 2014
Note to Reader: Please pause as directed between the Intention and the Response. Please read the response all the way through with the congregation especially where it is longer than usual.
P. Today’s readings assure us again of the Father’s care and compassion for us. Therefore, with total trust we place our petitions before Him
R. Our response today is:
“Father, bring us the joy that never ends”
R. Let us pray for the Universal Church and especially for our family of Three Churches as we celebrate a Joint Mass together tomorrow. May it bring many blessings on our parishes and on our efforts to walk in the light of the Lord
R. We pray
Father bring us the joy that never ends
R. At the Three Churches Mass tomorrow Sebastian, son of Max and Ceri Davies will join our Christian family in the Sacrament of Baptism. We pray now for him, his parents and godparents, who will be his first teachers, as he starts his pilgrim journey
R We pray
Father, bring us the joy that never ends
R. Let us pray for peace in the Middle East and remember especially the parents of the young Cardiff men who have been drawn into the war. May the young men be kept safe and return to their families at some time
R. We pray
Father, bring us the joy that never ends
R. Let us give thanks to the Lord for our two excellent schools and ask for guidance for those who must select headteachers for both schools over the coming months
R. We pray
Father bring us the joy that never ends
R. We pray now for the sick, the lonely, the bereaved, the depressed and the worried of our community and ask the Lord to comfort and console them in their time of need
R. We pray
Father, bring us the joy that never ends
R. In the quiet of our hearts let us listen to the voice of the Father
R. We ask Mary our mother to help us to pray saying HAIL MARY…etc.
P. Loving Father hear and grant our petitions through Jesus your beloved Son