Note to Reader : Please PAUSE as directed and read the response through with the congregation
Priest. Today our readings tell us again of Our Father’s love and compassion for us. Therefore, let us place our petitions before Him with confidence
Reader. Our response today is : Your mercy is our hope
Reader. We pray for the Church in the world remembering our recently elevated Cardinals asking for them the gifts of leadership, wisdom and courage to deal with the many challenges which lie ahead
Reader. We pray
Lord your mercy is our hope
Reader. We hear daily of the plight of those who now rely on Food Banks to feed themselves and their families and thank the Lord for those of those who organise and operate them and at the same time we remember our own responsibility to feed the hungry
Reader. We pray
Lord your mercy is our hope
Reader. Let us think about St David our patron saint whose feast day we celebrate(d) today/ yesterday and be inspired by his exhortation to “ Be joyful and do the little things you have seen me do”
Reader. We pray
Lord your mercy is our hope
Reader. In the coming season of Lent we ask the Lord to bring us closer to Him in whatever way we need His special guidance. We ask also for the success of forthcoming Lenten Discussion Group Programme
Reader. We pray
Lord your mercy is our hope
Reader. Let us remember the unemployed, the sick, the bereaved and the worried of our community and pray that the Lord to hear and comfort them
Reader. We pray
Lord your mercy is our hope
Reader. In the quiet of our hearts let us listen for a few moments to the voice of our Father
Reader. We ask Mary, the Mother of Our Lord to join us in our prayer
Hail Mary…etc
Priest. Father, we ask You to hear our petitions and grant them through Jesus your Son who lives in glory forever with you and the Holy Spirit