CELEBRANT: Taking the first steps on our Lenten journey let us pray with trust and confidence.
Reader: The response is Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.
Reader: Lead the church to places and situations yet undiscovered where you want your presence felt and your spirit strengthened.
Lord hear us,Lord graciously hear us
Reader: On this feast of Ash Wednesday we pray for greater self reflection and desire to search for God in theless obvious.
Lord hear us,Lord graciously hear us
Reader: Give us a courageous spirit and a steadfast resolve to embrace things that we do not always understand or do not necessarily feel comfortable with.
Lord hear us,Lord graciously hear us
Reader: Inspire us this Lent to spend more time in individual prayer visiting our inner room and meeting God in quietness.
Lord hear us,Lord graciously hear us
Reader: We pray for men and women that we know who are suffering greatly, and whose journey appears unbearable and dark. Lift their burden and lighten their path for them to glimpse the glory of Easter.
Lord hear us,Lord graciously hear us
Reader: We ask Mary the mother of God to help us as we say HAIL MARY……
Reader: As we gather here on this Ash Wednesday 2014, may we reach out and take the hand of God who will accompany us to the cross of Good Friday and the resurrection of Easter Sunday.
CELEBRANT: May God bless our faltering first steps in this new journey through Lent. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen