Priest: Mary’s Assumption into heaven is a sign of our final destiny. As we face the struggles of our pilgrim way, we ask our heavenly Father to ease the path.
Reader: The response to our prayers is: Hear our prayer
However dark the shadows and however incomprehensible some events seem, may we keep alive the certain hope that death and evil will never have the last word.
Through your love for Mary, our mother: Hear our prayer
May the presence of Christ in our lives be for us, as for Mary, an impetus to help others.
Through your love for Mary, our mother: Hear our prayer
When Mary said ‘Yes’ to your invitation to be the mother of your Son, she opened the way for our salvation; continue your saving work through healing our troubled world.
Through your love for Mary, our mother: Hear our prayer
Look with compassion on the thousands of people fleeing persecution; may they, like Mary and her family, find a safe haven.
Through your love for Mary, our mother: Hear our prayer
We pray for the people of West Africa, being ravaged by the Ebola virus; comfort those who are suffering from the virus, and those who have lost love ones. May they also trust what they are being taught about the best ways to prevent the virus from spreading.
Through your love for Mary, our mother: Hear our prayer
In the silence of our hearts we pray for all our other needs.
We ask Mary, Queen of Heaven, to gather us into her care, and to present our petitions to the Father, as we say: Hail Mary…….
Priest: Heavenly Father, you made Mary the mother of your Son, and mother of the Church; hear the prayers she presents on our behalf, and grant us relief. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen