PRIEST –Heavenly Father, confident of your love and mercy, we place before you the needs of the church, the world and ourselves.
READER – As we listen to the readings today, we pray that we may not be concerned only with our own possessions but be generous in our concern for the needs of those less fortunate……..Lord in your mercy………Hear our prayer.
We pray that the leaders of the major countries of the world will use their influence to bring about an end to conflict where ever it exists…….Lord in your mercy…..
We pray that our Holy Father, all church leaders and all Christian people will, by their teaching and their lives be good examples for others to follow…..Lord in your mercy……
We pray for all who are sick, ill, infirm or disabled in any way may have God’s healing comfort and also receive compassionate care ……..Lord in your mercy…………
We pray for Emily Harper Rowlands who is being baptised this weekend, that she may grow in faith with the help of family and God-parents……….Lord in your mercy…….
In a few moments of silence let us listen for the voice of our Heavenly Father and place before him our own needs…………..
Mary, our Mother was the best example for us and we ask that she may join with us in prayer as we say…….Hail Mary
PRIEST –We make all our prayers through our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ…………Amen