Today we celebrate the Assumption of Mary-body and soul- into heaven as the Father’s special way of noting her role in our salvation story. We ask that at our death He may be there to lead us home.
R .Let us pray for the Church throughout the world that it may be a beacon of light leading all people to the Lord
Lord lead us home
We pray for the future of all our people and that of our neighbours in Europe that ways may be found to guide us all to a prosperous and peaceful future
Lord, lead us home
We remember now all the deceased members of out Three Churches calling to mind especially Mary Howard a long standing member of our community whose funeral took place yesterday. We remember all those who grieve and ask that the Lord may comfort them in their time of loss
Lord lead us home
Tonight many people will sleep rough on the streets of our city. Let us remember our Christian responsibility for them
Lord lead us home
On this special feast of Mary, Our Mother we ask for her special support for us her children saying HAIL MARY…..
For a few moments let us listen in our hearts to our Beloved Father
Heavenly Father we ask these gifts through Jesus your Son who lives with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit forever AMEN