Priest: We bring to the Father our petitions for the troubles and hopes in our hearts.
Reader:The response to our prayers is “Hear our prayer”
Help us to set aside the barriers of fear, resentment and insecurity which prevent us from truly loving others
Father of mercy: Hear our prayer
We pray for peace in the many trouble-spots in the world
Father of mercy: Hear our prayer
As Confirmation preparation begins this week, we pray that our young people will be inspired by this new stage in their faith journey. We pray also for their families and for the catechists as they support and guide them through the programme.
Father of mercy: Hear our prayer
We pray for all the intentions in our parish book of prayer
Father of mercy: Hear our prayer
We remember all the sick of the parish that they may be healed in body and mind. We pray too for those who care for them.
Father of mercy: Hear our prayer
In the silence of our hearts let us pray for all our other needs.
Let us ask Mary to join our prayers to her own as we say:
Hail Mary ….
Priest: Heavenly Father, confident in Your loving mercy we bring You our petitions through Your risen Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.