Christ the King bidding prayers, Palm Sunday 29 March 2015

PRIEST – As we start Holy Week leading up to the remembrance of our redemption by the Passion and Death of Our Saviour  we gather in prayer to our Heavenly Father and ask Him to hear and grant our petitions

Reader – The response to our prayers is – “ Hear our prayer “

We pray that the call of our Holy Father Francis for peace and mercy in the world may be heard by those intent on waging war and violence on their fellow human beings and bring an end to destruction and misery….pause

Heavenly Father in your mercy……….

We pray that those who work to relieve suffering and hardship may be strengthened in their efforts and that the wealthier nations of the world may ensure that they have the necessary support…..pause

Heavenly Father in your mercy…………..

We recall how Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem by large crowds and pray that our efforts to evangelise in this area will lead to people welcoming Jesus into their lives, but without the subsequent rejection which Jesus experienced so soon after his triumphant entry to Jerusalem……..pause

Heavenly Father, in your mercy………..

We pray for  eternal rest for the souls of those who have recently died, in particular Gareth Clarke, grandson of Dilys Scanlan and Keith Allen and for the comfort of their bereaved families and friends………..pause

Heavenly Father, in your mercy………

Let us pray for all who are ill, infirm or disabled in any way that they may experience healing comfort and compassionate care…………pause

Heavenly Father, in your mercy……….

In a few moments of silence we pray for our own needs…….longer pause

We ask the support of our Blessed Mother, Mary, as we say….Hail Mary

PRIEST – We makes all our prayers through Jesus, our Saviour…..Amen