Priest: Brothers and Sisters as we pray for our needs, let us remember those of the Church and the wider world.
Reader: The response is…. Lord, Show us how to be gift.
We pray for Pope Francis who is revealing a new Spirit of mercy in the Church. (Pause)
Lord, Show us how to be gift.
We pray for all who are working to alleviate suffering in the world…In particular, we remember those striving to combat Ebola in West Africa; and those who have given time freely at Christmas to be alongside others less fortunate than themselves. (Pause)
Lord, Show us how to be gift.
We pray for Sara and Alexandra Siwiak, Erin Mary Farell Williams and Ray Joseph Hennessy who are being baptised here this weekend. May the lives of their parents, godparents and all of us here, be examples of faith to inspire them.
Lord, Show us how to be gift.
At Epiphany remembering the Kings, we pray for those who bring gifts of leadership and authority that they may use them wisely. (Pause)
Lord, Show us how to be gift.
At Epiphany, we pray that the gifts we bring to each other show the presence of Jesus in our lives. (Pause)
Lord, Show us how to be gift.
In a quiet moment, we make our own prayers (Longer pause)
Mary showed forth Jesus to the Magi and so we say……Hail Mary
Priest: Father God, we make our prayers to you trusting in your Son and with the Holy Spirit for ever. Amen.