Archbishop Stack has recently encouraged us all to be thinking about the next World Youth Day, which takes place in Krakow, Poland in 2016. You probably saw the amazing sights from Rio de Janeiro last year – be part of it in 2016!
It may seem a long way ahead, but time rushes on. Our diocese is determined to send a good number of young people to Krakow, and already preparation is in full swing. The Archbishop has officially launched the Registration for World Youth Day. Now full information can be found on the diocese’s WYD website – – where you can pick up the latest information for spiritual and practical preparation for WYD, as well as the registration form that you need to fill in.
I would like to draw the attention of all young people in our 3 Churches to this, and personally inviting you to be part of this great event and adventure. Spaces for the diocesan pilgrimage are limited. I appeal to you or anyone in our parishes or school communities who would like to participate.
I want to see our Churches represented in Krakow, and I’m sure that our parish councils would be prepared to support in any way we can, including financially. So log on, find out and sign up – crack on for Krakow!
A prayer for today and for the week:
Lord Jesus, John prepared a way for you in the wilderness of Judea. As we journey through the weeks of Advent, show us the wilderness of our own lives. Move us to respond to John’s call – to repent - to change our ways - and turn back to you. Help us make straight our paths and find the ones which lead to you. Be with us Lord in this time of watching and waiting And teach us how to open our hearts to welcome you.
Fr Matthew