We begin the most holy week of the year this Sunday. How holy – but this year how strange! We here at the Presbytery will celebrate the special liturgies in some shape or form in private, and you can follow them through the internet from many places. We will follow Jesus into Jerusalem, up to the room of the Last Supper, out to Gethsemane, and on to Caiaphas, Pilate and Herod. Eventually let us find ourselves high on Calvary hill, watching from a distance our Saviour surrendering his Spirit amid suffering of mind, body and spirit. Our Father in heaven will look down on this world too in its suffering this week. But our joy our faith and hope is in what happened next. That same Father raised His Son at Easter, and at some point He will raise us too when this is over. So, we may all be in our homes, but we are the Church – not the buildings but the real Church, the people. We may be apart but we are really a part! Follow Holy week as best you can, and let’s journey through it to Easter – together!
Fr Matthew