These middle two weekends of the month we have First Holy Communions – at St Brigid’s 10.30 Mass this Sunday, and at Christ the King 10.30 Mass this (11th) and next Sunday (18th May).
We join our children in giving thanks for this great Sacrament. They have been busy preparing since the New Year, and nowadays the programmes in both parishes are based on the same material, “God’s Greatest Gift”. The overall number of children is well over forty – a bumper crop, so to speak!
We can all take this annual and very special celebration as an opportunity to renew our faith in and love for the Holy Eucharist. This is, indeed, the greatest gift of Jesus, because what could be greater than the gift of yourself? At the Mass heaven touches earth, the divine infills the earthly and human, as Jesus comes to us.
Let us deepen our belief in this Real Presence, and at the same time recommit ourselves to being really present to Jesus. Prepare for Mass, perhaps by looking at the readings beforehand. Prepare your heart to receive, if necessary, by the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Remember that these children whose special days we are celebrating are absorbing from all of us our attitudes, the way we act in church, our attitude and atmosphere of faith etc. What kind of example do we set?
First Holy Communion is a beautiful celebration not only for the children and for their families and friends, who we warmly welcome. These are celebrations for our church worshipping communities, as we are reminded of the One who gives himself to us, that we may become more like him – every time we come to Mass.
Fr Matthew