I can’t believe that we are almost at Holy Week, but, yes, next Sunday is Palm Sunday. Here are the times of Holy week services in our 3 Churches.
Palm Sunday (13 April 2014)
All Masses at normal times, to include the Blessing of Palms.
Family Stations of the Cross at Christ the King 3.30pm
Film for Holy Week “The Passion of the Christ” St Brigid’s Hall 7.30pm.
Monday-Tuesday (14,15 April)
Masses at normal times.
Wednesday (16 April)
Chrism Mass at the Cathedral 11.30am. (note change of day)
Parish Masses and “The Light Is On” at usual times.
Thursday (17 April)
Mass of the Lord’s Supper 8.00pm at St Paul’s and at Christ the King at both churches.
Good Friday (18 April)
Morning Prayer 10.00am at Christ the King.
Commemoration of the Passion 3.00pm at Christ the King and at St Brigid’s
Holy Saturday (19 April)
Morning Prayer 10.00am at Christ the King
Watching until Midnight
Easter Vigil and First Mass of Easter 8.30pm at St Brigid’s, and 9.00pm at Christ the King.
Easter Sunday (20 April)
All Masses at normal times.
Here is a prayer for use at Mass and elsewhere on this the Fifth Sunday of Lent
Lord Jesus,
you love us, you gave your life to save us,
and now you are living at our side
to enlighten us, strengthen us and free us.
When our lives seem dark –
ease our hearts
and place in them that firm and quiet trust
that roots them deeply in your own life, death and resurrection. Let the joy of the Gospel raise us up
and, certain of your infinite love for us,
may your Holy Spirit help us to bring the power of that message into the lives of others.