Have you already begun your preparations for Christmas? How about making some space for that inner aspect of Advent which can so easily get forgotten, the inner journey to Bethlehem… This year in our 3 Churches we have an opportunity for some excellent quality spiritual preparation for our celebration of the Birth of Christ.
During the week starting Monday 26 November we will start a series of groups gathering to follow a book, much like we did earlier in the year with the successful “Do You Love Me?”. This time the resource is called “Journeying towards Jesus” and is written by the very respected Redemptorist priest and scripture scholar Denis McBride CSsR. As before, groups will gather at different times on different days, but this time round we invite you to choose your time and contact the leader direct – their details are below – to find out exact time and location of your chosen group’s gatherings. Friends who followed “Do You Love Me?” might well want to make this journey together too. Each group goes at its own pace, and doesn’t have to finish by 25 December!
The book is very well produced and illustrated, and packed with commentary, reflections, and material for us to think and share about. One group in the parish already has used it and recommends it highly. The title “Journeying towards Jesus” reminds us of the travels of the Shepherds and the Wise Men, but challenges us also to join them and journey closer to Our Lord. Who is this extra special Baby, how close to him really am I, and what does he mean for my life?
Monday | afternoon | Tess Evans | 2075 5528 |
Monday | evening | Esther Mahoney | esther.milardi@btinternet.com |
Wednesday | afternoon | Sheila Roberts | sheila.m.roberts@hotmail.co.uk |
Thursday | afternoon | Nigel Tuck | nigelgtuck@btinternet.com |
+ another one or more, details to follow |
I invite you to get involved in this project. You will get so much from it, and, who knows, almost certainly you will be able to give so much to it!
Fr Matthew