During Advent and into January over 30 people from our 3 Churches met together in groups of 5 or 6 to reflect on the significance of the season, using the book ‘Journeying towards Jesus’ by Denis McBride.
In the 5 sessions (each one lasting 1 – 1/2 hours) the groups explored the various Advent themes from the Second Coming of Jesus to the feast of Christmas, challenging us “to move from being onlookers to active followers of Jesus”.
People agreed that they found the experience very relaxed, encouraging and inspiring; they said that they learnt a lot, enjoyed sharing their thoughts and making new friends, as they got to know members of their group.
Following this success, we are offering everyone the opportunity to be part of a group during Lent and Easter using another seasonal book by Denis McBride – ’Journeying with Jesus’, reflecting on “the movement of the Jesus story”.
The aim, Denis McBride says, “is to promote a conversation between Jesus’ journey and your own, so that you might share some of that insight in your group”. We start with ’In the Wilderness’ and move through passages in the life and death of Jesus to ’On the Road Again’ – the Emmaus story.
Denis McBride approaches reflections with a light touch while giving us thought-provoking questions to consider.
There will be a gathering on Shrove Tuesday (5 March) 7.30pm at St Brigid’s to mark and celebrate the successful Advent and Christmas “journey” and to explain more about this Lent and Easter one. Warmly invited are all those who took part in Advent and / or the previous “Do You Love Me?” series, all who would like to be involved this time, and of course, those who just want to find out more!
Marie York