PRIEST – Let us turn to God our Father and ask Him to look favourably on all the needs of the world, the Church and ourselves.
Reader – We pray for the Church throughout the world that she may always be true to the teaching of Jesus in guiding your people…………..Lord hear us…….
As this weekend we remember the need for racial justice, we pray that we will always treat others as brothers and sisters irrespective of their race or country of origin………….Lord hear us………..
Let us pray for the repose of the souls of all who have died recently and for the comfort of their families and friends……………….Lord hear us……………
We remember in our prayers those who are ill, infirm or disabled in any way that they may experience the healing comfort of God and have compassionate care………….Lord hear us…………..
In a few moments of silence we place our own needs before our Heavenly Father……………..Lord hear us
We now ask Mary our Mother to join our prayers with hers as we say……………..
Hail Mary…
PRIEST – We make all our prayers through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour,