We have begun our Advent journey with a creative Advent Service. We now look forward to our Children’s “Bambinelli” events and our Carol Service in the week leading up to Christmas. During Advent we are seeking support for our Food Market. Booking is necessary for any of our six Christmas Masses as follows:
- St Brigid’s 8pm Vigil Mass – bernicerayer@gmail.com (2062 6829)
- St Brigid’s 10.30am Mass – anneburns2021@gmail.com (2076 6318)
- St Paul’s 6pm Vigil Mass & 9am Mass – sylvestercf@aol.com (07876 032829)
- Christ the King 6pm Vigil Mass & 9am Mass – llanishen@rcadc.org (2075 3945)
Full details for our Advent and Christmas activities are on our 3 Churches Advent & Christmas Info Sheet.