Dear parishioners and friends of our 3 Churches:
Happy Easter! No, Fr Matthew it’s Pentecost, not Easter… But today is the last day of the Easter Season! We do that double Alleluia again at the end of Mass. Yes, we reach the end of this part of the Church’s year, that we began way back on 26 February with Ash Wednesday. Remember then, the old days, before lockdown? Well, here we are at the feast day of the Holy Spirit, powerhouse of the Church, and the feast of Us as well, who are the Church. Though not together physically I encourage us all to celebrate today in whatever way you can (Fr Andy asked me what I wanted special for lunch!) Reach out to a few members of our parish families with an email or better a phone call or neighbourly shout. Most of all, pray for a renewing outpouring of the Spirit on all of us, wherever we may be.
Don’t forget, I’m celebrating Sunday Mass at 10.30am live streamed via or Youtube channel “frmhj” when we’ll be praying for the out pouring and for the needs of the parishes, including your needs too.
By the way on you will also find Archbishop Stack’s recent statement on the reopening of our churches.
Fr Matthew