A tale of three Councils
Cardiff Council are going ahead with their planned “permit gate” on Crystal Glen, near St Brigid’s. Meanwhile our two Parish Councils are moving forward with the Synod agenda and planning our 3 Churches future.
The “gate” – cameras that capture your registration – will apply 7am – 7pm Monday to Saturday. Unless you have a resident’s permit you will be fined £70.
Churches and businesses can apply for up to 10 further permits (what am I bid for one, St Brigid’s parishioners??), and residents can also apply for one day passes for visitors.
A letter arrived Wednesday 5th, dated 29th September, saying it would start 4 to 8 weeks’ time from that time. “We will issue warning notices to offenders for the first 14 days of the scheme… The scheme will be introduced for 18 months to see if it works well.”
St B and P Parish Council are onto it, and we will keep you aware of any progress made. To realise the problems, just picture a visiting mourner arriving down Fishguard Road for a funeral, and being fined for proceeding to the church car park…
Talking of our own Parish Councils, both St B and St P and C the K have elected new chair and vicechair teams. We welcome Karen Sylvester and Bernard Hayward, and Elizabeth Taylor and Christine Williams as the new officers. The two councils meet together this month on Tuesday 18 October to agree on post-Synod plans and also to look at the bigger future for our 3 Churches “cluster”. The four new leaders have plenty to grapple with, and I hope – I know – that they will do so in faith, hope and charity.
So straight ahead, for our 3 Churches – but no through road for many of our churchgoers…
Fr Matthew