Dear friends and parishioners
Next Sunday is Easter, and our churches reopen. Parish life goes on – and hopefully will slowly come back to fuller life in coming months. But for that to happen we all need to pull our weight – through our Baptism we are all responsible for the life of the Church.
So, I have several opportunities for us to be involved – and responsible. Don’t let me down!
We have to catch up one year’s Communions and move on to the next group. After several years’ hard work, most of our current team will be stepping down soon. Therefore, we are looking for new catechists. Qualifications? Catholic faith and a heart for our children – the present and future of the Church. Is that you? – contact Fr Matthew asap or chat with one of the current catechists.
Between Easter and summer you are invited to follow a 7-session course produced by the lay-led Evangelisation team of our diocese, called “Spread the Gospel” via Zoom on Wednesday evenings from 21 April learn about the dream of Jesus for our Church – of our churches. Details to follow soon.
Some of the Foundation Governors at Christ the King School (those representing the Church) will be finishing their term in the summer. Again, we are looking for faithful Catholics with a heart for our youngsters. You can have great influence over our children’s lives, as Governors on 4-year terms oversee who teaches, who they teach, what they teach, and who gets the money! If that’s you, contact Fr Matthew, the School or one of the current Governors for more info.
Fr Matthew