On 8th October Archbishop Mark O’Toole, Archbishop of Cardiff-Menevia, visited Christ the King Primary School to celebrate the annual Welcome Mass for the start of the school year. The headteacher, Mrs Susan Miles writes:
This was a fantastic occasion for the school community. The Archbishop was assisted by the parish clergy, Canon Matthew Jones and Father Andy Bord. The singing and reading led by the Year 6 pupils was excellent and two pupils served at the altar, assisted by a former pupil who returned from Corpus Christi High School to help. At the end of the Mass the reception class children, supported by their buddies in Year 6, joined the gathering to complete the circle of friendship.
The Welcome Mass is always a wonderful opportunity to welcome new pupils, new staff and new parents and help them to feel part of a nurturing, inclusive community that displays God’s love . This had even more significance this year as the school has been awarded “School of Sanctuary” status, one of some 600 schools across the UK to date. The school is now recognised as part of a network which welcomes and stands in solidarity with children and young people seeking safety in the UK. We want to be a full part of that; a school where people seeking sanctuary feel safe and have a sense of belonging; where they are able to thrive and have their voices heard. This is in alignment with Catholic Social Teaching and its principles of dignity for all and working together for the common good.
Following the Mass, Archbishop Mark toured the school and spoke to our young learners about his vocation and his role as Archbishop. The children asked some very thoughtful questions and listened intently to the answers. Archbishop Mark also joined members of the teaching staff , governors and parents for refreshments afterwards
Altogether It was a very special occasion that our staff and learners will remember for a very long time.