On Sunday 17th April 2016 we are launching a new Youth Group for Yr7 and Yr8 here in our 3 Churches, and we don’t want anyone to miss out on what will be an amazing experience.
Once you go to High school, parish life can seem to stop, apart from Confirmation. We are launching this new youth group because we really value our young people, and we know that they have so much to give.
The vision of 3CY, rooted in our Catholic faith, is inspired by Pope Francis’s letter “Laudato si” where he asks us to care for each other and for our common home. The idea is to have fun, make new friends, have a great time. But also to talk about real topics, take action on real issues and use our gifts and talents to make real change. Friendly and informal, with games and refreshments, there will be talks, videos and discussion, maybe walks and trips, music and drama, prayer services and Mass.
So we invite our young people to come along and take ownership of this group. It’s all yours!
Where? CTK Primary School Hall. When? 6.30pm – 8.00pm Sundays in term time from 17th April.
Adults young and older – to volunteer in any capacity and at any commitment level, contact Helen McSherry hmmcsherry@gmail.com or 07720 053999
Website 3churchesyouth.wordpress.com/
Facebook www.facebook.com/3ChurchesYouth/
Twitter @3ChurchesYouth
REFLECTION after Communion this weekend. Use it at home too…
Lord Jesus Christ
you came to call sinners
and offer complete forgiveness and salvation for all.
Give me the grace to feel you alongside me in my sinfulness;
to sense your understanding and encouragement.
Help me to acknowledge my sin –
but to trust in your unending mercy and compassion.
Teach me not to judge others,
nor to condemn them,
but to offer the hand of support and friendship and place mercy at the centre of my life. Amen