Baptism of the Lord 2015
P. The Father has called us as His chosen people and enables us by His constant gifts. Let us ask again for the special graces which we need at this time
R Our response is “Lord may we listen to your law”
R.we pray for the Universal Church that it may be given the wisdom to embrace the changes which Pope Francis seeks to introduce
R.We pray……… Lord may we listen to your Law
R.Together with the rest of the world we look with horror on the Parisian killings and pray for the victims and their families and friends. Let us pray also that we may always seek to preserve the precious gift of free speech
R. we pray…….Lord may we listen to your law
R.We pray for families everywhere remembering the anguish of parents parted forever from children and loved ones due to war illness and famine. We ask also for the gift of peace in our own families and for the grace to preserve it
R.We pray…..Lord may we listen to your law
R.Let us pray for all the deceased of our community remembering especially Graham Perryman who has died recently. May the Lord welcome them all into Paradise and grant their grieving families the comfort of His love.
R. We pray…Lord may we listen to your law
R. We remember the worried, the sick and the lonely in our parish family and ask the Lord to comfort each one of them and their families, carers and medical support teams
R. We pray………Lord may we listen to your law
R. In the silence of our hearts let us listen to the voice of our beloved Father
Longer pause
R.We ask Mary our mother to join her prayer to ours saying Hail Mary
P. Lord we ask you to hear and grant our petitions
Through Jesus your beloved Son