Priest – On this Peace Sunday we heard the prophet Isaiah proclaim God’s promise: “I will make you the light of the nations so that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth” Let us pray that the light of Christ will shine into those many places of darkness in the world
Reader – The response to our prayers is – Christ be our light
For the peoples of those parts of the world where there is conflict between peoples of different faiths that turmoil may be resolved and that the Christians of those regions may give witness to the Gospel and encourage all to live in harmony. We pray to the Lord………..pause
For reconciliation where there is conflict; for peace where there is fighting particularly in the Middle East and Africa; and that Jerusalem may be truly a City of Peace for all nations. We pray to the Lord…………pause
For all those who take risks for peace and justice; we ask God’s blessing today especially on the work of the international Catholic Peace Movement, Pax Christi. We pray to the Lord…………pause
As we begin the week of prayer for Christian Unity, we commend to our Heavenly Father the work of all those seeking to strengthen all that unites the various Christian denominations. We pray to the Lord…………pause
For those children who today commence their First Communion programme that they may grow in faith and love for Our Lord. We pray to the Lord………..pause
For the 3 Churches meeting following the Archbishop’s call for evangilisation that it may bear much fruit. We pray to the Lord……….pause
We pray for the repose of the souls of those who have died, remembering particularly Kate Haines whose funeral is this Monday – 20th – and Terry O’Neill whose funeral will take place later this month. Eternal rest give unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them
For all those who are ill, infirm or disabled, that they may be aware of God’s healing comfort and experience compassionate care. We pray to the Lord…………pause
In a few moments of quiet we bring our own needs to the Lord……longer pause
We now ask Our Blessed Lady, Mother of the Church and Queen of Peace to recommend our petitions to her Beloved Son as we say… Hail Mary
Priest – Father as the Spirit descended like a dove on Jesus, your Son at his baptism, grant that the same Dove of peace may bring healing to our world. We make all our prayers through Your Son Jesus Christ our Lord……….Amen