The theme that Pope Francis has chosen for World Peace Day 2014 is: “Living as one family is the foundation and pathway to peace.” Here is the prayer that Pax Christi recommends for daily use…
Thank you loving God
For the gift of life
For this wonderful world which we all share
For the joy of love and friendship
For the challenge of helping to build your kingdom.
My determination to work for a world of peace and justice
My conviction that, whatever our nationality or race,
we are all global citizens, one in Christ
My courage to challenge the
powerful with the values of the Gospel
My commitment to find nonviolent ways of resolving conflict
– personal, local, national and international
My efforts to forgive injuries and to love those I find it hard to love.
Teach me
To share the gifts you have given me
To speak out for the victims of injustice who have no voice
To reject the violence which runs through much of our world today.
Holy Spirit of God
Renew my hope for a world free from the cruelty and evil of war so that we may all come to share
in God’s peace and justice. Amen