Note to Reader: Please PAUSE as directed between the Intention and the Response. Please read the response all the way through with the congregation especially where it is longer than usual
Priest: As we listen to the story of the prodigal son in today’s readings we are reminded of the Father’s endless love for us constantly calling us back to Him
R. Our response is “Lord , your mercy is our hope”
R. We ask the Lord to bless and support His Church throughout the world bearing in mind especially the plight of Christians in the Middle East
R. We pray
Lord your mercy is our hope
R. Through the news bulletins we are constantly aware of the plight of the refugees and migrants. Let us pray for these stricken people and their families as they seek a new and safer life
R We pray
Lord your mercy is our hope
R. We are mindful of our brothers and sisters who are sick in mind or body and pray for them and their families and all who care for them
R. We pray
Lord your mercy is our hope
R. Let us pray for all in our parish families who mourn. May the Lord find wys and people to comfort them in their time of loss
R. We pray
Lord your mercy is our hope
R. As we try to understand he many arguments about the future of our country either in or out of the European community we ask the Lord to guide us to produce a fair and humane society based on Christian principles
R. We pray
Lord your mercy is our hope
R. In the silence of our hearts let us listen to the voice of Our Father
R. We ask Mary the mother of Our Lord to join us in prayer saying HAIL MARY….etc.
Priest: Lord Merciful Father listen to our petitions and grant them through Jesus your Son who lives with you and the Holy Spirit forever