Priest: We come before God joyfully, he has saved us and works marvels for us. Let us now ask him for all our needs
Reader: We pray that wherever there is blindness, prejudice, or lack of vision in the Church, the Lord may enlighten and transform it.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Reader: We pray for our parish; for those who minister to us, for our teachers and catechists, for our young people and for the sick and elderly. May we build up our community by giving of our talents and resources as much as we are able to do.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Reader: As our country prepares for a general election, we pray for our politicians, that they may seek to serve with honesty and integrity for the good of all, especially the most vulnerable in our society.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Reader: We pray for those who are sick, those recovering from surgery and for all who are enduring any kind of suffering.Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Reader: We pray that all those who have died, may find the fullness of joy in God’s presence. We remember especially Paul Walker, husband of Helen and Helen Owen, who have both died recently.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We ask Mary, our Mother, to pray with us as we say Hail Mary…
In silence we think of our own needs and intentions…
Priest: Heavenly Father, trusting in your great love for us, we bring you all our prayers through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen