CELEBRANT: Gathered together on this special feast day, we present these prayers in faith God Our Heavenly Father.
READER: That the Church becomes an example of holiness to the World
Lord Hear Us, Lord Graciously Hear Us
READER: That political leaders respect themselves and each other.
Lord Hear Us, Lord Graciously Hear Us
READER: That people emerge in our communities who can inspire us to know God more.
Lord Hear Us, Lord Graciously Hear Us
READER: That we recognise our differences, but discover that we are all made in the image of God .
Lord Hear Us, Lord Graciously Hear Us
READER: We pray for all the sick people in our community who are unable to join us today.
Lord Hear Us, Lord Graciously Hear Us
READER: We ask Mary the Mother of God to pray with us as we say Hail Mary…..
READER: We stand in silence as we offer our own prayers, thoughts and worries to our loving Father.
Lord Hear Us, Lord Graciously Hear Us
CELEBRANT: Lord , we offer these prayers with hope in our hearts through your Son Jesus Christ Our Lord Amen .