CELEBRANT: Strengthened in faith, we come before the Lord with our needs and the needs of our sisters and brothers:
READER: We pray for Pope Francis, Archbishop Stack, and all our clergy: that they may lead in faith and serve in love the flock entrusted to their care.
Lord in your mercy, hear our Prayer.
We continue to pray for the victims and families of the Lebanon explosion, and for a country that has endured one tragedy after another: that the Lord may cover all in his mercy and healing.
Lord in your mercy, hear our Prayer.
We pray for our families and children nearing the start of the school year: that the Holy Spirit may dispel fears and anxieties and carry them forward through the challenges that lie ahead.
Lord in your mercy, hear our Prayer.We pray for the sick, the vulnerable, and the lonely; especially our elderly in their homes and residences who are without the visits of friends and loved ones: that the Lord may bring light and hope to their hearts.
Lord in your mercy, hear our Prayer.
We pray for our deceased loved ones, and for all who mourn their loss: that God may grant them consolation and peace.
Lord in your mercy, hear our Prayer.
We ask Mary the mother of Jesus to pray with us as we say Hail Mary……
In a few moments of silence we place our own needs before our Heavenly Father
CELEBRANT: Loving Father, give us faith and courage to cope with the storms in our lives. May we find refuge in your Son, who stretches out his hand for strength and support during all our struggles. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.