Priest: With trust in the Lord who calls us all to follow Him we present all our prayers to Him, confident in His unceasing mercy.
We pray for the Church, may the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, guide and support all bishops, priests and deacons with her maternal love.
Lord, hear us. Lord graciously hear us.
We pray for all who have been affected by Covid19, those in our Churches who cannot leave their homes, Holy Mother be their comforter at this time.
Lord, hear us. Lord graciously hear us.
We pray for those in hospital and the families that can only see their relatives virtually, that they may find the assurance of God’s presence in the love of his people.
Lord, hear us. Lord graciously hear us.
We pray for the faithful departed: May they come to dwell with Our Lady in the presence of the risen Lord.
Lord, hear us. Lord graciously hear us.
Let us now turn to Mary, who was assumed sinless into heaven, and seek her intercession as we say: Hail Mary …
In the silence of our hearts we bring all our needs to the presence of God our merciful Father.
Priest: Loving Father, who raised up the Blessed Virgin Mary into your Heavenly Kingdom, accept our prayers which we make with faith, and bring us into your holy embrace through your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen