Saint David’s College, 10.30am to 3.30pm, Saturday 17 October
‘Proclaimers of the Word’, organised by the Archdiocesan Liturgy Commission, is a day for Readers, and all who minister the Word of God. We will begin with an introduction to the Gospel of Luke by Fr Nicholas James, to set the scene for the Cycle C ‘Year of Luke’ beginning this Advent. There will then be the opportunity to attend any two workshops from the list below:
New Readers – introduction for young and new readers
New Readers – practical for young and new readers
Experienced Readers – two sessions
Children’s Liturgy – the role of the scriptures
Lectio Divina – prayerful reading of scripture
Common Psalms – what are they? How can we use them?
Singing the psalms – practical for new and experienced cantors
Writing the Prayers of the Faithful
Planning music for Sundays and Sacraments
For new and experienced readers alike, and all who work with the Word of God in Parishes, this day should be a useful preparation for the Commissioning of Ministers of the Word which Archbishop George Stack suggests should take place in parishes on the First Sunday of Advent this year. It is also a wonderful opportunity for any parishioner to deepen their understanding of scripture and its celebration in liturgy.
Parish musicians may be interested to work with Martin Barry, Director of Music at Saint John’s Cathedral, Salford and explore psalms for Advent. He will look in particular at the Common Psalms listed in the Lectionary which can be used in place of the psalm of the day – a useful way into psalm-singing if the psalm is not always sung in the parish. A range of styles will be explored and resources discussed.
Fr John Kelly (ed. Fr Matthew)