This weekend (Sunday 13 February) marks a significant step in the easing of Covid restrictions in St Brigid’s Church.
Some restrictions remain:
- face masks must still be worn at all times
- registering your attendance is still required (much simpler and quicker if you use the NHS app)
- sanitising your hands on the way into church is still required
- ventilation remains vital and so doors and windows must remain open throughout – on windy or cold days an extra layer may be needed
- from this Sunday 13 February there will be less stewarding – please find your own seat whilst respecting the space of others
- try to remain at least 1 metre from your neighbour – this will permit 3 individuals or two couples per pew
- seats on the “Sacred Heart” side remain designated for those who wish to remain 2 metres from others
- these pews can accommodate 2 individuals or 1 couple plus one individual
To receive Holy Communion, please approach the Eucharistic Minister in single file, just as we have been doing. When offering the consecrated host the minister will, once again, say, “The Body of Christ” to which you should reply, “Amen”, receive the host and return to your seat.
The use of hymn books returns. Please take a blue one and a black one on your way into church and return them as you leave. Those seated in the “Sacred Heart” side should leave their books in the side chapel as they leave.
Mass leaflets will, once again, be available as well as printed Parish Newsletters. Once used, please take them home with you. Do not leave them in the church.
When mass is ended, please leave the church in the way we have become used to. Try to maintain sufficient space from others and move away from the doors as quickly as possible and so avoid congestion inside the church.
Kneelers may now be used and Votive candles can now be lit.