Dear parishioners and friends of our 3 Churches:
We are very happy to announce that later this week we will return to public mass in our churches. As you will see below, we will begin on Friday 24th and Saturday 25th with Mass at St Brigid’s at 9.30am, continuing at Christ the King Saturday 6pm and Sunday 9am, and then St Brigid’s Sunday 10.30am and 6pm.
- at these Masses we will welcome all who wish to come up to the limit for each Mass. If the numbers require it, on future weekends we will operate some kind of “booking” system
- however, remember that the Sunday Obligation is still lifted – you might want to consider coming on a different day to allow needy parishioners to come at their convenience
- 10.30 Mass at St Brigid’s will continue to be live streamed for the foreseeable future
- to comply with directives, there can be no mass sheets or hymn books, and various other restrictions to enable things to run smoothly – to this end please follow the stewards’ assistance – for example by not lingering in the buildings after mass
- Stewards – obviously more stewards are needed for public mass, please consider whether you can offer this service and contact Ansti at (St Brigid’s) or Marie at (Christ the King)
- St Paul’s have also started the process of opening the church, so watch this space
It will be wonderful to be able to be back together again. We are very grateful to all those who have worked so hard to get us to this point. Well done!
Fr Matthew